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Erate FY2025 Franklin Parish QA Addendum - MIBS
FY2025 Franklin Parish QA Addendum - MIBS
470 # 250006388
Question 1
Are you looking for a company to manage your current hardware and provide licensing? Or are you also looking for new hardware?  If you are looking for managed services for your current hardware what are your expectations of service?
The MIBS 470 #250006388 is requesting pricing for services for listed equipment only.  No licenses or additional equipment is included in that request.  The expected level of service is up to the vendor to provide details for.  Please include all service options so that the district can evaluate accordingly.
Question 2
If there are points awarded for onsite survey and consultation of Service delivery and service migration we liked to schedule that onsite with you as soon as possible.
No onsite or online meeting is possible at this time.  Please provide a response according to details as listed in the RFP.